Community Partnerships
Our partners play a critical role in guiding our research agenda and translating scientific evidence into community practice to promote nutrition security and human health.
New York Common Pantry
New York Common Pantry reduces hunger and promotes dignity, health and self-sufficiency.
No Mas Lagrimas
No Más Lágrimas (NML) was founded by Ana Ortiz in 2009, and supports individuals and families of all backgrounds, cultures, and identities affected by economic and social barriers in meeting their basic needs and in empowering themselves to achieve their aspirations.
United Way de Puerto Rico
United Way of Puerto Rico's mission is to promote education, financial stability and health, as the building blocks for a better quality of life for everyone.
West Side Campaign Against Hunger
We are honored to partner WSCAH, alongside NYCP, on research that amplifies the voices of those who experience food insecurity in NYC and to work towards ending hunger.
Research Collaborations
Collaborations with interdisciplinary experts strengthen our team and the work that we do at the FIG Lab.
Center for Food as Medicine
The Center for Food as Medicine is a nonprofit organization working to bridge the gap between traditional medicine and the use of food as medicine in the prvention, treatment, and management of disease while also increasing access to these treatments, thereby creating a more equitable food system that will improve health outcomes.
EDP University of Puerto Rico
The FIG Lab is honored to partner with EDP University on Projecto Amigos.
Green Mountain Evaluation
Jessica Metcalfe, PhD, MPH, is the Principal Consultant and President of Green Mountain Evaluation, and has been working in evaluation and applied research for over ten years.
Funding Partners
We are grateful for the support of these partners, who provide funding for our research, education, and advocacy work and enable our community partners to participate in the research process.
Cornell Center for Health Equity
We are grateful for the financial support of CCHEq for the FIG Labs' Project HENRI in NYC.
Cornell Center for Social Sciences
Accelerates, enhances, and amplifies social science research at Cornell.
Cornell College of Human Ecology
High-quality education, research and public engagement are the cornerstones of the College of Human Ecology and its academic departments, which include: Psychology, Nutritional Sciences, and Human Centered Design.
Einhorn Center for Community Engagement
We are pleased to have received multiple grants and awards in collaboration with the Einhorn Center the College of Human Ecology's Engaged College initiative.
Advancing Racial Justice, Equity, and Opportunity | Addressing Climate Change | Tackling Food and Nutrition Insecurity | More, Better, and New Market Opportunities