Research Projects
DINNERS in NY: Developing Integrated Networks for a Nutritious, Equitable, Resilient food System in New York
The DINNERS in NY project aims to increase the distribution of NYS grown, nutrient-dense agricultural products to food insecure residents by engaging with community-based nonprofits, institutional feeding programs and small to mid-sized farms.
Evaluation of Farm-to-Food Assistance Policies and Programs
This project studies regional and local farm-to-food assistance value chains to better understand how they contribute to an equitable, nurturing, and sustainable food system.
NYCP Farm Share and Food MD
This study is evaluating the impact of Farm Share, a subsidized CSA program at New York Common Pantry (NYCP) and their complementary Food MD program.
SNAP Online Grocery Shopping
This research project aims to understand online shopping barriers and facilitators for SNAP eligible NY residents.
ASCC: Advocacy and Science Communication Core
The overarching goal of this project is to close research-to-policy translation gaps through advocacy, engagement, and public scholarship.
FRIENDS: Food Research Initiative on the Experience of Nutrition Diversity and Security
This mixed method study aims to understand the lived experience of income-eligible food assistance beneficiaries and its association to nutrition security.
Programa BienEstar
The purpose of this project is to evaluate a childhood obesity prevention program in early childhood education and school settings in Puerto Rico.
HENRI-NYC: Health Equity and Nutrition Research Initiative-NYC
The overarching goal of this project is to improve the measurement precision of residential urban food environments in New York City (NYC) to better predict diet and health outcomes at the community and individual level.